Intelligent Grids (IGs) – Zero Carbon Energy

Energy Internet Corporation is an energy technology company, that helps assure and accelerate the achievement of Sustainability and Zero Carbon goals. EIC helps Utilities pay for their modernization to highly-distributed-renewable-power-generation grids, and the phased decommissioning of fossil fuel generating plants. EIC’s solution, Intelligent Grids, help deliver high availability and lower-cost power to consumers, with distributed as well as concentrated renewable power generation. Energy internet Intelligent Grid, is acloud orchestration, optimization and prediction system. The IG cloud provides Energy Distributors (ED),  Power Producers (PP) and Consumers a Standard Protocol (IG-SP) to intelligently access the long duration storage systems –EIC’s Hyper Scale Energy Storage (HSES) and Data Center Energy System (DCES). IG cloud uses standardized technical protocols (T-Port) to collect sensory power data, such as phase current & voltage, and frequency. It uses this data to predict, optimize and manage the flow of power to, into and from the Grid, through the T Port’s standard-protocol actuation controls. Ei IG also has a standard commercial protocol, called C Port for a formal rule capture of key commercial understandings between parties, such as pricing, availability, and peaking. It uses this data to optimize and manage the power flow.
