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Repurposing Idle Oil and Gas Wells for Renewable Energy Storage

November 15, 2020 USC Viterbi signs an MOU with Energy Internet...
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Abandoned Oil Wells – Ideal Candidates for EIC’s Compressed Air Energy Storage

Cut methane emissions by 99%, save as much as $70B in clean up
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Data Center Energy Systems (DCES) – Zero Carbon and Water Operations

Green field data centers can be more sustaninable and zero carbon while...
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Hyper Scale Energy Systems (HSES)- Zero Carbon Energy

Oil and Gas can avoid abandonment costs while increasing their revenues...
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EIC Customer Partners

Energy Internet Corporation (EIC) is an energy technology company, that...
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Subsurface / Underground Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)

Apply well-honed practices and experiences that have developed since the...
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Intelligent Grids (IGs) – Zero Carbon Energy

IRecco has received inquiries seeking clarification of job offers received...